New Careers: Work From Home Jobs Vs Starting a Business (And Advertising With a Custom Sign!)

Switching up your work situation is one of the most exciting life changes that a person can make. Taking a major step like this can be completely invigorating and serves as an ideal opportunity to try something that you’ve always wanted to do. Two of the most frequent paths that come up when people look into reinventing their professional identity are either job opportunities in the work at home sector or jobs that you create yourself by starting your own business (in which you take care of everything from installing a custom sign to soliciting customers). Both of these options have a lot to offer, but they are also very different. You should make sure you know the essential differences between them so that you can pursue the one that truly speaks to what you need and want from your work.
The business from home route offers an array of benefits including: schedule flexibility, zero commute time, and the opportunity to be your own boss. You set your own hours, your work location, and even your “appropriate workplace attire.” If you’ve spent any time in a corporate or office culture, this type of setup may be incredibly appealing because the only person you have to answer to is yourself. The flip side of this is, of course, that you’re totally responsible for your productivity since you’re the one setting all of the parameters. When you decide to engage in a work from home job, you should make sure that this type of flexibility is a good fit for you. Home-based job opportunities provide the potential for a great deal of financial success, a low-stress work environment, and a truly individual approach to the job market. The most important thing to remember is that it’s up to you to make these elements work to your advantage.
When it comes to career shifts, the entrepreneurial route is also very individual-based. This individuality is expressed, however, in a totally different way than with the home based business path. When you start your own business, you’re very rarely working alone. You are in charge, of course, but you will usually be working with other people. You are also responsible for creating, maintaining, and promoting a public image for your business. This is perhaps the biggest difference between these two paths. When you work at home, you don’t need to worry about advertising the company you’re working through. When you have your own business, however, your financial success and the longevity of your business depend on getting your image out there and getting customers in the door, on the phone, or on your Web site. In order to do this, your business needs to have visible signage. You might also consider other physical ways to get your name out into the world. These include creating and using elements such as custom decals, custom stickers, and custom banners. In addition to these ideas, you might also think about screen printing (also known as silk screening) T-shirts or other clothing items with your company’s name or logo. These can be worn by employees, sold to customers, or both. Either way, your name and image are getting out into the public sphere, which is key for your business’s success.
When it’s time for you to change up your work situation, ask yourself if you need to manage your time totally on your own terms or if you are chomping at the bit to screen print your logo and get it out there in order to tell everyone about your new business. Whether you choose jobs in the work from home job market or the entrepreneurial sector, the most important thing is knowing that you’re doing something you enjoy.