Online Associate Degree – Creating a Competitive and Rewarding Career

More than ever before, a good education provides people with the competitive edge they need to improve the overall quality of their lives. A broader world perspective, increased self-confidence, and access to more prosperous job opportunities are just some of the advantages of continued education.
Luckily, education programs such as an online associate degree have adapted over the years to accommodate the rapid pace of society and the new access to information afforded to us by the Internet. The numerous benefits of earning an online education have caused many people around the world to seriously consider heading back to class, via the comfort of their own home.
Many universities, business colleges, privately-run junior colleges, and government-operated community colleges have recognized that academic institutions need not be limited by their location or their students’ location. Over the last decade, many schools have seen the advantages of not only accommodating people’s busy lifestyles, but also of harnessing the communication capabilities of the Internet to design more flexible education programs that allow students to learn online.
People who are considering earning an online associate degree will first want to find out what sort of job opportunities the degree can open up for them. Some of many examples include a career as a registered nurse, LPN, CNA, as well as other positions in the stable and lucrative healthcare sector. Those interested in pursuing a career as a dental hygienist can study dental hygiene, while those who want to get in on the ground-floor of a booming technology company might consider pursuing a degree in computer networking, computer programming or computer science. Your choices can be endless, just make sure you make the right choice for you.
The flexibility offered by distance education may appeal to different people for any number of reasons, depending on their lifestyle. For caregivers, parents of small children, and those with home-based businesses, learning online allows them to maintain close contact on the home front as well as save money that might otherwise be spent on sitters or caretakers. Cost savings are also seen in the elimination of commuting costs like gas, bridge tolls and transit fares.
Learning from the comfort of one’s home also minimizes the distractions typical of a classroom setting. With the current capabilities of one-on-one video and voice chat with instructors, teachers can actually increase the student’s individualized attention. Last but not least, higher education often opens up just as many if not more job opportunities as bachelor’s degrees, and typically at a much lower tuition cost and in a shorter time period. Whereas bachelor’s degrees usually take three to four years to complete, an online associate degree can be earned in two years.
Those considering taking advantage of the many benefits of earning an associate degree online should first ensure they’re up to certain responsibilities that they may not otherwise have in a classroom setting. At-home learners in particular need to stay motivated while studying online, as the flexibility it provides can lead to procrastination. Whereas students who attend courses in a classroom are typically unable to make up missed sessions, students who study online are often able to set their own sessions, which can easily result in an out-of-control workload.
Students who study toward earning their degrees online also need to take special measures for ensuring that distractions on the home-front are kept to a minimum. Television, email, instant messaging, texting, and people coming and going can pose distractions that might not otherwise be accepted in a classroom setting. Relying on technology for obtaining a degree also means having a high-speed Internet connection, stable hardware, and backing up data on a regular basis. Be prepared and you will succeed.