Powerful Ways To Control Your Leadership Reputation

Many Get to the Top, Few Stay There
Are you one of those who were not born to follow but to lead? Are you one of those who are facing hurdles in the course of greatness? Then you have reached the right spot. A leader is not born, but bred. But it is not just about the journey to the top, it’s about staying there. Now how one can control the command of the position one holds, the answer is not all that complicated. A leader is someone who people can look up to, believe in, and most importantly, follow. If someone loses their faith in the people, then this article is not for them. So here are five easy ways to stick to the top:
• Ethics: One must always stick to their ethics and conscience. A leader should never have a thing to hide; otherwise, the followers might hide things from him. And that is the beginning of the end. Also, if a leader is honest, then the company he leads will also be considered honest.
• Clear communication: A leader might have made it to the top through his/her work, but it is his/her ideas that will keep him/her there. The thing about ideas is that if they do not spread, they are worth nothing at all. And the most important thing needed for spreading is good and clear communication skills. A leader must be ready to communicate and explain any situation to anybody. Oratory skills, throughout history, have seen the rise of fall of leaders, and will continue to do so.
• Sense of humor: Lemmy says, “The only difference between us and the animals is a sense of humor.” The days have changed, and so have opinions. No more do people prefer a frown upon their leader. It is the ability to keep you cool and make serious decisions when faced with a challenge is what makes a leader. It also shows that the person is not afraid to smile at the people and crack a joke while taking care of the work. And that is what keeps the trust flowing.
• Power of prediction: A leader should know what is about to happen two steps ahead. If not, his/her empire might crumble to dust without a moment’s notice. It is the reactions of the people that will decide whether you stick to the throne.
• Social media: In this game of thrones, one of the things that matter is the way you send yourself out to the world. Social Media like Facebook or Twitter is followed by almost everyone around the world. A person in power must always think before posting on one of these media platforms.
If you have you got the power, then you have got the right. A leader is never wrong, he/she has just not proven themselves right. And it is the process of proving oneself right that keeps the throne in place.