How to Launch Your Coaching Business

The process of launching a coaching business can be overwhelming. So here is an essential four-step coaching business launch checklist.
1. Establish Your Niche
You need to highlight visible aspects of your client’s current situation, which is the problem that needs to be fixed. You should be able to showcase a problem that haunts them, to the point where they’re motivated to invest in the solution you’re offering.
But to attract and keep clients, you must specialize in solving specific problems.
This may feel confining, but once you’re established you can always expand your services and your client base. Be specific in your marketing by focusing on establishing yourself as the go-to coach for those with a specific problem.
2. Forget the Ocean – Create Your Own Private Pool
Many coaches start off by getting clients using blogs, podcasts, Facebook ads, and other channels. But this is like fishing in the ocean alongside other coaches – most of whom are bigger competitors and already established. And, if all you have is a small fishing line, you won’t catch anything.
So you need to create your own pool. Create a resource you can own and control where you have the power to decide who can and cannot fish. You can do this using Facebook groups and Instagram. Using these channels will give you authority, brand awareness, and an intimate connection with potential clients.
Prospects will have a feel of who you are as a person rather than what you offer as a brand. Because let’s be real… people don’t buy from brands, they buy from people – people they like, trust and know.
3. Know Your Worth
Many new coaches think they need to launch their business by charging low fees before scaling their way up. This makes sense, right? Because low experience equals lower fees.
However, soon you’ll realize you’re overwhelmed and underpaid. Since you’re getting so little per client, you’ll spend most of your time marketing yourself and trying to get more clients, instead of coaching. Also, clients will disappear because cheap rates don’t inspire long-term commitment.
If you launch your coaching business with low rates, soon your passion will turn into an unsuccessful grind. So avoid selling yourself short, as people value what they’ve sacrificed to get.
4: Overcome Yourself
Today, the tactics, strategies, and tools you need to launch a successful coaching business are all at your fingertips. But the limiting factor is YOU.
To become a successful coach, you must become a bigger person. You need growth, insatiable curiosity, and commitment to your craft. When starting your journey as a coach, you’ll face many challenges, limiting beliefs, and fears – you’ll doubt yourself and what you’re capable of doing. However, you can only help your clients if you can overcome these fears and doubts.