Why Leaders IDEALS Must Align With His Group?

How can anyone, effectively, and meaningfully, serve and represent his stakeholders, and specific organization, unless/ until, he ensures his personal IDEALS, align, directly, with his group, and constituents? Effectively leading, requires, proceeding with an open – mind, and prioritizing, using common sense, to achieve, the finest – possible, thorough, meeting – of – the – minds, for the greater good, which addresses, current and future needs, goals, the group’s unique mission and purpose, as well as priorities, and perceptions! After, over four decades, of personal involvement, in nearly everything, related to quality leadership, from identifying and qualifying, to training, developing, and consulting to thousands of actual, and/ or, potential leaders, as well as serving, personally, on several occasions, as a leader, I strongly believe, we need to develop, and train, well – prepared, leaders, with the type of quality of character, needed, and desirable! With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it matters.
1. Issues; integrity; innovate; insights; ideology: Which issues are the top priorities, and why? A real leader must maintain absolute integrity, especially, when a path of least resistance, might be available, and tempting! He must proceed, with a mind – set, aligns with the group’s core ideology, and be willing to innovate, as necessary, on a timely basis, to bring forth, wise insights, and strategic and action plans!
2. Delve deeply; deliver: One must go, beyond the simplistic, and delve deeply, to discuss, the finest course of action, to follow! Great leaders must be proactive, and use this knowledge to deliver, the finest – possible, leadership, and direction!
3. Empathy; emphasis; energy/ energize; expertise; excellence: One must effectively, listen and learn, from every conversation and experience, to proceed, with the utmost degree of genuine empathy! His emphasis must be based on this, and his personal energy, must serve to energize others! Great leadership comes from developing the finest expertise, and always, demanding, one’s utmost degree of personal excellence, instead of settling for good – enough!
4. Attitude; aptitude; attention; articulate; actions: It takes a true, positive, can – do, attitude, combined with a well – developed, relevant aptitude, and skill – set, and willingness to pay keen attention, to be prepared to take all necessary actions, to maximize the best results, etc! One must articulate an inspiring message, and follow – it, up, with motivating, well – conceived, actions!
5. Listen; learn; leading: Since, no one, has, either, all the answers, nor, even, knows all the questions, to ask, the essence of quality leading, is effectively, listening, and learning, and becoming the best, one can be!
6. Systems; solutions; strengths/ stronger; sustainable: How, and if, one effectively identifies, and uses, the group’s strengths, and uses them, to make it better, and stronger, differentiates, the great leaders, from the rest – of – the – pack! This expertise and judgment, must direct creating the finest, most – appropriate systems, for the specific group, and basing approaches, on sustainable, relevant, viable solutions, etc!
Organizations need leaders, whose IDEALS, align with the group! Are you ready, and fit to be a leader?